Gaber Consulting, PLLC
Firm Profile

Gaber Consulting, PLLC is an organization of professionals specializing in Forensic Accounting, Litigation Support and Investigations.

Gaber Consulting, PLLC is an affiliate of Gaber, LLC which was founded by Steven C. Gaber in 1995.  Steven began his career working in loss prevention and financial accounting.

As one of the first individuals in the upper midwest to identify himself as a forensic accountant and provide these services, Steven has spent the past 30 years working a multitude of various types of fraud and financial investigation.

Fraancine M. Gaber joined the organization in 1998 as a tax preparer and investigator.  She has over 25 years of investigaiton experience working in human resources, insuracne fraud and workers' compensation Fraud.

Gaber Consulting, PLLC specializes in Consulting, Accounting Services, Litigation Support Services and Private Investigations.

Our Team of Professional have a unique and higly qualified background.

Professional Team

Steven C. Gaber - CPA, CFE, Private Investigator.

Francine M. Gaber - RTRP - Private Investigator.
Member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners  - CFE 
Gaber Consulting, PLLC provides services nationwidee.  With our primary office locations locateed in Arizona, Minnesota and North Dakota.


Gaber Consulting, PLLC
1198 W. White Hawk Dr.
PO Box 1310
Camp Verde, AZ  86322
